Orthotic Devices
Family owned since 1983
Free Consultation
Our Service
Orthotic Prosthetic Centers provide both orthotic and prosthetic devices from head to toe. We supply and fit you with custom made Prosthetic Limbs. We offer personal custom made bracing for hips, knees, ankles, and feet along with OTS (off the shelf) bracing. We measure and customize diabetic shoes and inserts. We provide neck, shoulder, elbow, arm and wrist orthosis. We will work closely with your physician and/or physical therapist to find that unique brace that will help alleviate pain and/or increase your mobility. Your team will examine each brace manufactures functionality to ensure your safety and well being. you will be given written and oral instructions on how to care, clean, don and doff your device. Our offices are completely handicap accessible. The OPC team looks forward to working with you.
Lower Extremity Orthoses
Lower extremities cover bracing from the waist down.
- HKAFO Hip Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
- KAFO Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
- AFO Ankle Foot Orthosis
- KO Knee Orthosis
- FO Foot Orthosis
- Knee Braces
- Ankle Braces
- Custom Foot Orthotics
- Compression Hose
- Diabetic Shoes
- CAM Walkers
- SDU Short Metal Double Uprights
- LDU Long Metal Double Uprights
- Hip Abduction Braces
In need of support?
Knee Orthoses
There are a variety of knee orthosis, with an order from your physician or physical therapist to best address your specific needs.
- Hinged Knee Braces
- ACL/PCL Knee Braces
- Post OP Knee Braces
- Immobilizers
- T-Scope
In need of support?
Spinal Orthoses
- Spinal Fracture Bracing
- Spine-Core
- TLSO Thoracic Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
- LSO Lumbar Sacral Orthosis
- CTO Cervical Thoracic Orthosis
- Corset
- Scoliosis Brace
- HALO Non Invasive Brace
- Aspen/Minerva/Cervical Collars
- Pectus Carinatum Orthosis
In need of support?
Custom-made Foot Orthotics
Foot Orthotics and shoes are prescribed by your physician or podiatrist.
- Custom Made Foot Orthotics
- Diabetic Foot Orthotics and Shoes
- Charcot foot Orthotics
- SMO Supra Malleolar Orthotics
- UCBL Univ of California Berkeley Laboratory Orthosis
- Arizona Brace
- CROW Boot
In need of support?
Diabetic Foot Care
- Custom made Diabetic Insoles
- Diabetic Shoes
- Custom Molded
CROW Boots
- Heel Lifts/Wedges/ Scaphoid Pads
- Cam Walkers
- Pressure Reducing Ankle Foot Orthosis
- Knee Ankle Foot Orthosis
- Ankle Foot Orthosis
- Custom Molded Shoes
In need of support?
Upper Extremity Orthoses
- SWHO Shoulder Wrist
- Hand Orthosis
- WHO Wrist Hand Orthosis
- HO Hand Orthosis
- Wrist Splints
- Shoulder Immobilizers
- Thumb Splints/CMC/Finger/ Slings
- Sully Brace
- Humeral Fracture Brace
- Carpal Tunnel Wrist Splint
- Fracture Bracing
- Clavicle Brace
- Figure 8 Brace